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Fun Evo PVPE 6 Years status.evolunia.net
Uptime: 99.8%
Port: 7171
Players: 394 / 2000
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There are 28504 players online on 455 servers
Last Update: January 25, 2025, 10:58 pm

We have 525 servers in our database
Current Time: January 25, 2025, 10:58 pm

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Players: 1 / 2000
Unique players: 1
Multi clients: Very low

Points: 148
Monsters: 30445
NPCs: 370
Uptime: 99.71%
Peak Record: 79 players online on August 31, 2021, 12:14 am CET

In the last 30 days:
5 players online on December 29, 2024, 11:08 pm CET

Server: Nostalrius Custom 3.0+
Owner: Panther
Added: February 26, 2019, 1:30 am CET
Updated: 6 min. ago

Server description

Nostalther Website: https://www.nostalther.com

1-63 16x
64-127 8x
128+ 4x

Skills 12x
Magic 3x
Loot 1x
Gold x5

Spawn Rate: Fast

**Custom Rookgaard Features**
New Quests
Depot and Houses on Rookgaard
Spell Scrolls
New Hunting Areas
New Loot

Annihilator 2(Quest)
Barbarian's Santa's Arena (Quest)
The Inquisition (Quest)
The Pits of Inferno (Quest)
The Demon Oak (Task Quest)
Grizzled Aarons (Tasks/Quest)
Black Bert (Quest Item Trader)

**Areas/Hunting Grounds**
Mintwallin Demons (CUSTOM)
Sea Serpent Area (RETROGRADE)
The Forbidden Islands (RETROGRADE)
Formorgar Mines in Cormaya (RETROGRADE)
Deeper Banuta (RETROGRADE)
Medusa Tower (RETROGRADE)
Drefia Wyrms (RETROGRADE)
Darashia Dragons (RETROGRADE)
Okolnir Ice Island (RETROGRADE)
Venore Swamp Bog Raiders (Revamp)
Fibula Nightmares and Undead Dragons (Revamp)
Carlin Nightmare Tomb (Revamp)

**Quality of Life**
Luring and Overspawn
Free Banuta Access
Travelling Trader (Rashid)
Henri ("Inquisition" Blessing)
Lifted Shared Experiance Restrictions
Depot and Houses on Rookgaard
Rare Loot Indicators
Quick Stack Gold
Crafting Life Rings
Backpacks of Supplies